
Manage Disk IOPS usage

What you are charged for

Each database has a dedicated disk, and you are charged for its provisioned disk IOPS. However, unless you explicitly opt in for additional IOPS, no charges apply.

Refer to our disk guide for details on how disk IOPS, disk throughput, disk size, disk type and compute size interact, along with their limitations and constraints.

How charges are calculated

Disk IOPS is charged by IOPS-Hrs. 1 IOPS-Hr represents 1 IOPS being provisioned for 1 hour. For example, having 10 IOPS provisioned for 5 hours results in 50 IOPS-Hrs (10 IOPS × 5 hours).

Usage on your invoice

Usage is shown as "Disk IOPS-Hrs" on your invoice.


Pricing depends on the disk type, with type gp3 being the default.

General purpose disks (gp3)

$0.00003288 per IOPS-Hr ($0.024 per IOPS per month). gp3 disks come with a default IOPS of 3,000. You are only charged for provisioned IOPS exceeding these 3,000 IOPS.

PlanIncluded Disk IOPSOver-Usage per IOPS per monthOver-Usage per IOPS-Hr

High performance disks (io2)

$0.000163 per IOPS-Hr ($0.119 per IOPS per month). Unlike general purpose disks, high performance disks are billed from the first provisioned IOPS.

PlanIncluded Disk IOPSUsage per IOPS per monthUsage per IOPS-Hr

Billing examples


Project 1 doesn't exceed the included IOPS, so no charges for IOPS apply. Project 2 exceeds the included IOPS by 600, incurring charges for this additional usage.

Line ItemUnitsCosts
Pro Plan1$25
Compute Hours Micro Project 1744 hours$10
Disk IOPS Project 13,000 IOPS$0
Compute Hours Large Project 2744 hours$110
Disk IOPS Project 23,600 IOPS$14.40
Compute Credits-$10


This disk type is billed from the first IOPS provisioned, meaning for 8000 IOPS.

Line ItemUnitsCosts
Pro Plan1$25
Compute Hours Large Project 1744 hours$110
Disk IOPS Project 18,000 IOPS$952
Compute Credits-$10